A Round-up of New Movies in Theaters, Online and Available for Home Viewing

'Riotsville, U.S.A.'

‘Riotsville, U.S.A.’

It’s unfortunate when a film has an important message to convey but does a poor job of saying what it ...


How does one sum up the life of a loved one in a few hours of film? That can be ...
'The Swimmers'

‘The Swimmers’

There’s something truly inspiring about beating seemingly impossible odds, accomplishments that stir our emotions and may even produce a significant ...
'The African Desperate'

‘The African Desperate’

Lampooning a supposedly revered sacred cow often provides great fodder for insightful satire and raucous comedy. And, at the outset ...


An old saying wisely maintains “Don’t believe everything you read in the newspapers.” It’s an expression aptly accompanied by a ...
'The Eternal Daughter'

‘The Eternal Daughter’

One effective way to tell a tale of suspense is to employ the atmospheric slowburn approach, one that quietly but ...
'The Cathedral'

‘The Cathedral’

Sometimes it takes a different point of view to get a handle on the true nature of a situation. Such ...


When one is spiraling downward and hopes for the future look dim, it may seem that there’s no coming back ...
'Holy Emy'

‘Holy Emy’

Fusing genres can yield captivating stories and even more intriguing films. But getting the mix right is tricky business. Like ...