‘The Wild Robot’ explores exceeding our capabilities

There are times in our lives when nearly all of us exceed the limits of our capabilities (and often quite unexpectedly at that). But that can be a tremendous blessing, especially when we’re confronted by circumstances where such enhanced aptitudes are called for. When this happens, we might well surprise ourselves and those who know us, but such amazing revelations can produce miraculous results that benefit many in need.

2025-01-29T09:55:22-05:00November 25th, 2024|Animation, Conscious Creation, Movie Reviews|

Wrapping Up the 2024 Black Harvest Film Festival

The 30th annual edition of the Gene Siskel Film Center’s Black Harvest Film Festival is now in the books, having featured an array of narrative, documentary and short films. The event featured a strong lineup of offerings this year, perhaps the best I’ve ever seen at this festival. In all, I managed to catch six films during the festival’s two-week run. So, with that said, here’s my take on what I watched and what I thought.

‘Upon Entry’ tests our resolve to live up to our contentions

Questions related to immigration have been asked with increasing frequency in recent years. This has been particularly true where illegal entry has been concerned, providing considerable fodder for widespread public debate. But what of legal immigration – is that a benign subject, one worthy of little attention or recognition? Indeed, if would-be immigrants are doing everything by the book, there shouldn’t be any concerns, right?

2024-03-18T00:37:37-05:00February 18th, 2024|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘Monica’ examines acceptance, forgiveness, choice

When it comes to the notions of acceptance and forgiveness, it’s always important to remember that they’re beliefs that come with another inherent quality – the power of choice. Indeed, in both cases, we’re free to choose to either embrace or ignore these virtues, regardless of what others may think of us or how the perspectives we adopt might make us look. At the same time, though, we must also consider the consequences that come with either of these choices.

2023-08-09T09:04:34-05:00July 3rd, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, LGBTQ+, Movie Reviews|
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