‘Story Ave’ seeks to stave off tragedy for at-risk youth

For many at-risk youth, there comes a turning point where they can head off in one direction or another, each with vastly different long-term outcomes. The results couldn’t be more opposed to one another as far as what ultimately transpires, either a promising future or a destiny full of tragedy and heartache. Steering those individuals in the right direction can be exasperating, too, especially when they can’t envision the consequences of their actions.

2024-06-23T21:48:57-05:00June 4th, 2024|Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

‘Freud’s Last Session’ plumbs life’s big questions

In all truthfulness, how often do most of us take the time to contemplate life’s “big issues”? Given the importance and impact they have on us, one might think they’re something we should all examine in greater detail and on a more frequent basis than we probably do. Yet we often find ourselves distracted by the comparatively inconsequential minutiae of everyday life, setting aside those grand questions that we must all ultimately address for ourselves.

2024-06-04T07:08:28-05:00May 17th, 2024|Biography, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|
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