‘The Creator’ sends a cautionary message about intent

The subject of artificial intelligence has been all over the news in recent months, with much of the coverage (save for what’s in the business/finance pages) presented in an often-troubling, cautionary light. Is this technology as bad as so many contend? Or are we making a mountain out of a proverbial molehill? And, if something were to go wrong, where would the fault truly lie?

‘The Moon & Back’ wrestles with grief, creativity, adolescence

Where do we turn when the bottom falls out? That’s difficult enough at any age, but what is one to do when going through an impressionable time of life, such as adolescence? The coming of age considerations that teens face are often burdensome enough in themselves. However, when they’re compounded by a significant loss, starting over may seem impossible.

2023-05-30T18:03:30-05:00April 27th, 2023|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

‘Triangle of Sadness’ asks whether turnabout is fair play

We like to think that we’re fundamentally all equal, and, in idealistic terms, it’s hard to take issue with that notion. However, from a practical, realistic standpoint, inequality is unfortunately alive and well in so many contexts. It’s undoubtedly unfair that such differences have been allowed to continue to hold sway and that there are those who must endure such inequities. But can the situation be rectified?

2022-12-11T04:32:32-05:00November 11th, 2022|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Movie Reviews|
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