‘Blue Jean’ challenges exclusion, homophobia

Willingly excluding certain segments of society makes absolutely no sense. By denying productive, creative individuals from the ability to participate in the development of our world, we run the risk of cutting ourselves off from innovations that make our life more fulfilling, enjoyable and equitable. Unfortunately, there are close-minded forces out there that would seek to restrict some of us from the liberties and freedoms that help to make society thrive in healthy and satisfying ways. And those who are left on the outside looking in must decide whether they want to surrender and conform or to rebel and challenge such limiting ways of thinking.

2023-10-10T08:20:13-05:00August 20th, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, LGBTQ+, Movie Reviews, Romance|

‘Voodoo Macbeth’ extols the virtues of cooperation

Pulling together for the sake of a common objective is undoubtedly a worthy ambition. The spirit of cooperation that goes into such ventures can be tremendously satisfying, especially upon fulfillment. With challenges and obstacles melting away, everyone involved comes one step closer to attainment. But remaining committed to the mutual nature of the endeavor is essential

‘Skál’ celebrates the virtues of personal freedom

Where would we be without personal freedom? The prospect is rather daunting, especially once we consider what we’d lose. Its absence can prove particularly detrimental during certain times in our lives, such as adolescence and young adulthood, when we’re just beginning to grasp the possibilities that the world can offer us.

2022-02-25T00:39:31-05:00January 25th, 2022|Conscious Creation, Documentary, Foreign, Movie Reviews|
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