
‘The Hypnosis’ skillfully dissects changes in beliefs, behavior

Sometimes we can all use a little help in changing our behavior when we’re unable to do so on our own. There are many different approaches we can use for this, too, depending on our personal preferences. One of the most commonly employed practices is hypnosis, which has been successfully used for such things as losing weight and quitting smoking. But, in some cases, it can work so well that we may unintentionally end up overcompensating, prompting a whole new crop of issues to contend with.

2024-07-14T19:20:39+00:00June 15th, 2024|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘Dream Scenario’ wrestles with social fanaticism

Remember when times were simpler, when you didn’t need to worry about expressing yourself without first having to weigh the long-term ramifications for yourself and the seven generations of progeny that followed? What’s more, recall what it was like to be able to have an opinion without running the risk of oppressive social ostracism from the overly zealous political correctness police force imposing its herd mentality on everyone everywhere? Somewhere along the way we lost our bearings – and ourselves.

2024-01-27T23:47:43+00:00December 10th, 2023|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews, Sci-Fi|

‘Framing Agnes’ recounts an alternative community’s history

All too often, we think we know an individual or community when, in fact, we don’t understand them well or at all. There could be various reasons for this – a lack of information volunteered by the subjects in question, preconceived notions on our part, widely circulated commonly held misconceptions, or even so-called, generally accepted urban legends. It’s unfortunate when these developments occur, because they frequently present us with an inaccurate, misleading perception. That makes setting the record straight a prime consideration.

2023-05-19T12:34:40+00:00April 14th, 2023|Conscious Creation, Documentary, LGBTQ+, Movie Reviews|

A noble pursuit takes flight in ‘All That Breathes’

Lofty notions are often seen as impractical and unrealistic. And, indeed, they’re frequently looked upon as impossible to implement given their staggering requirements and essential commitment. But that’s not to say that they can’t be accomplished with the right amount of determination and a strong faith in the possibility of their fulfillment.

2023-04-07T11:49:03+00:00March 19th, 2023|Conscious Creation, Documentary, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘Skál’ celebrates the virtues of personal freedom

Where would we be without personal freedom? The prospect is rather daunting, especially once we consider what we’d lose. Its absence can prove particularly detrimental during certain times in our lives, such as adolescence and young adulthood, when we’re just beginning to grasp the possibilities that the world can offer us.

2022-02-25T00:39:31+00:00January 25th, 2022|Conscious Creation, Documentary, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘Dead Pigs’ connects the dots of daily living

There’s more that binds us than meets the eye, and the strings that connect us may take some surprisingly unexpected forms. It may not be possible to anticipate the impact they’ll have, either, but we should nevertheless make an effort to remain conscious about their existence, for the developments that arise from them can be quite striking – and startling.

2021-07-16T07:18:18+00:00June 20th, 2021|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘Minor Premise’ examines the many within the one

“Minor Premise” (2020). Cast: Sathya Sridharan, Paton Ashbrook, Dana Ashbrook, Nikolas Kontomanolis. Director: Eric Schultz. Screenplay: Justin Moretto, Eric Schultz and Thomas Torrey. Web site. Trailer. It’s long been suspected that there’s much more going on inside our brains, minds and consciousness than most of us typically realize. What’s more, it’s become apparent that the complexities involved are far more involved than we generally understand. Learning how to harness this power could prove beneficial if tapped properly. But, if mishandled, we might also be opening a Pandora’s Box that we would have trouble once again closing. So it is in the insightful new sci-fi/smart horror thriller, “Minor Premise.” Wouldn’t it be something if we could figure out a way to record [...]

2021-01-25T08:15:37+00:00December 15th, 2020|Conscious Creation, Movie Reviews, Sci-Fi|

‘Blackbird’ wrestles with matters of life and death

“Blackbird” (2019 production, 2020 release). Cast: Susan Sarandon, Sam Neill, Kate Winslet, Mia Wasikowska, Rainn Wilson, Lindsay Duncan, Bex Taylor-Klaus, Anson Boon. Director: Roger Michell. Screenplay: Christian Torpe. Web site. Trailer. We’re all aware that our lifetimes are finite in nature and that they will one day come to an end. But, as our lives unfold, many of us become progressively more concerned with how that end will ultimately come about. Will it be on terms of our own choosing? Or will we relegated to circumstances that are out of our control? And how much input will we have in determining the details of the process? Those are among the questions raised in the moving new end of life drama, [...]

2021-03-04T02:34:08+00:00September 25th, 2020|Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

Wrapping up the Chicago Film Festival

One of the great joys of reviewing movies is the opportunity to attend film festivals. They offer moviegoers a chance to see multiple offerings in myriad genres from countries all over the globe, featuring everything from little-known independent productions to Hollywood blockbusters. And so it is with my hometown event, the Chicago International Film Festival, which just recently completed its 55th edition. The Chicago festival just keeps getting better and better every year. I’ve attended many of the festivals over the past 40 years (I started attending when I was 2…), and I’ve seen vast improvements in programming and staging in that time, efforts that have truly made this a world class event. Over 12 days, I screened 15 films, [...]

2019-12-17T18:21:13+00:00October 30th, 2019|Movie Reviews|
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