‘Gene Wilder’ sheds new light on an iconic talent

There are times when certain talents don’t receive their due, lingering somewhat below the radar and arguably going undervalued. Fortunately, there are those who recognize their gifts and unhesitatingly sing their praises, bringing a new sense of appreciation to their work. And those testimonials serve to shed a new light on these artists, showcasing them in a way not previously portrayed.

2024-06-02T00:41:54-05:00May 12th, 2024|Conscious Creation, Documentary, Movie Reviews|

‘The Creator’ sends a cautionary message about intent

The subject of artificial intelligence has been all over the news in recent months, with much of the coverage (save for what’s in the business/finance pages) presented in an often-troubling, cautionary light. Is this technology as bad as so many contend? Or are we making a mountain out of a proverbial molehill? And, if something were to go wrong, where would the fault truly lie?

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