Year: 2014

A Family of Books

A Family of Books

Need a last-minute holiday gift? Consider the offerings from the Brent Marchant family of books, Consciously Created Cinema: The Movie Lover’s Guide to the Law of Attraction and the newly released updated edition of Get the Picture?!: Conscious Creation Goes to the Movies. Consciously Created Cinema is available in print and ebook formats from all major online retailers, such as, and Get the Picture?! is available in a print edition from (with ebook editions to come soon). Happy reading, and happy holidays! Cover designs by Paul L. Clark, Inspirtainment ( ...
A Special Christmas Night

A Special Christmas Night

Looking for something fun to do on Christmas night? Then check out a rebroadcast of my interview on the VividLife Radio Show “It’s All About Relationships,” with host Edie Weinstein. Tune in Thursday at 8 PM Eastern by clicking here for some lively chat about conscious creation and the movies! ...


IT’S HERE!!! The re-release of the book that started it all, the newly revised and updated edition of the book that launched my writing career, Get the Picture?!: Conscious Creation Goes the Movies, available in a new print edition from, available by clicking here. And coming soon in an ebook edition! Cover design by Paul L. Clark, Inspirtainment ( ...
A Hard Lesson

A Hard Lesson

The first time I saw the trailer for the film “The Interview,” I was appalled. “WTF?” I thought. “What the hell are the producers thinking?” Not only did the preview have “turkey” written all over it, but I couldn’t believe the creators were so naive as to think there wouldn’t be some kind of negative fallout from this ill-conceived production. I never envisioned matters getting as out of hand as they have, but I knew for sure that there would be hell to pay for those who gave the green light to this bonehead project. So why was I so outraged? The very premise of the film was in such incredibly bad taste that I had a hard time believing the production had gotten as far as it did. The idea of creating a movie (and a comedy at that) about assassinating Kim Jong-un, a known world leader, struck me as the height of irresponsibility. The situation might have been different if the film was premised on the idea of eliminating a fictional head of state, perhaps even one based on the figure here. But building a story like this around an actual, identifiable person was, in my opinion, unfathomably ...
‘Imitation Game’ illustrates how our lives follow our beliefs

‘Imitation Game’ illustrates how our lives follow our beliefs

“The Imitation Game” (2014). Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Keira Knightley, Matthew Goode, Rory Kinnear, Allen Leech, Matthew Beard, Charles Dance, Mark Strong, Alex Lawther, Jack Bannon, Tuppence Middleton. Director: Morten Tyldum. Screenplay: Graham Moore. Book: Andrew Hodges, Alan Turing: The Enigma. Web site. Trailer. Much of the time, our lives seem puzzlingly inscrutable. But they need not be if we look closely to see how they follow very clearly prescribed paths that fall in line with what we think, believe and feel. Should we become proficient at that, there’s virtually nothing we can’t come to understand, a point driven home in the engaging new biopic, “The Imitation Game.” In the early days of World War II, England and its Allies were suffering heavy losses at the hands of Hitler’s war machine. British military intelligence had considerable difficulty getting sufficient information about the Germans’ battle plans in time to prevent the carnage. Enemy forces fared so well thanks to their ability to successfully convey encrypted messages to their troops using a coding system known as Enigma, believed to be unbreakable. But, if the British were somehow able to decipher the code, the game would change entirely. To reach this goal, the royal ...
Follow Me on Pinterest, MeWe and Google+

Follow Me on Pinterest, MeWe and Google+

Pinterest, MeWe and Google+ users can now keep up with the latest about the upcoming release of the new edition of my first book, Get the Picture?!: Conscious Creation Goes to the Movies, coming soon in print and ebook formats from all major online retailers. Check out the dedicated pages on those sites, as well as the existing page on Facebook, to find out more! Cover design by Paul L. Clark, Inspirtainment ( ...
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