There’s More Than Books and Blogs…
Movie Correspondent, The Good Media Network
Check out Brent’s regular Movies with Meaning posts to the web site of The Good Media Network! Brent’s entries include reviews of new movies, home viewing offerings, film industry news, and notices about his latest writings and radio show appearances. In addition, tune in for Brent’s monthly Movies with Meaning radio segments on The Good Media Network’s Frankiesense & More broadcast with host Frankie Picasso.
Contributing Writer, Modern Warrior Magazine
Check out Brent’s regular submissions about conscious creation in the movies to Modern Warrior magazine (formerly Life Quote Journal), an online publication covering an array of empowering topics. Brent’s articles are survey pieces that review multiple titles reflecting conscious creation principles, providing an overview of selected films that tie these notions to each issue’s inspiring themes.

Interested in having Brent join your publication’s writing team?
Email him at with your ideas.
Author photo by Jill Brazel, Jill Norton Photography,