Follow Me on GoodReads!

Follow Me on GoodReads!

I’m pleased to announce that I now have an author profile posted on GoodReads! By becoming a GoodReads member, you can discover a wealth of information about books and authors of all kinds, a wonderful resource for anyone who loves to read! To find out more, visit GoodReads.com, or click on the GoodReads app at the top of the Facebook pages for “Consciously Created Cinema” or “Get the Picture.” ...
Align, Shine and Prosper!

Align, Shine and Prosper!

I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be a guest on the “Align Shine Prosper” radio show with host Doreen Agostino this Sunday, April 13, at 2 pm Eastern. Tune in for some lively chat by clicking here ...
The Art of Listening

The Art of Listening

Do you really hear what others have to say? How about the messages sent by your own intuition? If your skills in this area could use some tweaking, check out “The Art of Listening,” my latest blog post to Smart Women’s Empowerment, available by clicking here ...
'Consciously Created Cinema' now available at the iTunes Store!

‘Consciously Created Cinema’ now available at the iTunes Store!

Users of Apple devices will be thrilled to know that my new book, Consciously Created Cinema: The Movie Lover’s Guide to the Law of Attraction, is now available in ebook format from the iTunes Store! Just click here to take to you the title’s listing on the iTunes Story ...
‘Noah’ contemplates the power of discernment

‘Noah’ contemplates the power of discernment

“Noah” (2014). Cast: Russell Crowe, Jennifer Connelly, Ray Winstone, Anthony Hopkins, Emma Watson, Nick Nolte (voice), Frank Langella (voice), Douglas Booth, Logan Lerman, Leo McHugh Carroll, Marton Csokas, Madison Davenport, Dakota Goyo, Gavin Casalegno, Nolan Gross, Skylar Burke, Mark Margolis (voice), Kevin Durand (voice). Director: Darren Aronofsky. Screenplay: Darren Aronofsky and Ari Handel. Web site. Trailer. Making decisions about ourselves and our future can be a daunting undertaking, especially when we feel we lack adequate information or resources to do so. But, by devoting proper focus to the effort and skillfully employing the practice of conscious creation, we have an opportunity to succeed, perhaps even astounding ourselves in the process. This can be particularly crucial when the stakes are high, as a noble soul discovers for himself when faced with challenges that have global ramifications. Such is the lot of the protagonist in director Darren Aronofsky’s ambitious new opus, “Noah.” Viewers expecting a faithful re-creation of the Biblical account of the Noah’s Ark legend are likely to be disappointed. While this film is loosely based on that epic saga and includes characters from that time-honored tale, “Noah” offers its own take on the myth, including some events that will seem ...
'Consciously Created Cinema' now on Pinterest

‘Consciously Created Cinema’ now on Pinterest

Pinterest.com users can now follow “Consciously Created Cinema” on a new board on that site! And, while you’re at it, become a follower of the board Conscious Film Reviews by Brent Marchant, a showcase for my posts to VividLife.me ...
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