‘Everything Went Fine’ pits love against death

Questions related to assisted suicide and the right to die have been debated hotly for decades, and proponents on each side of these issues have made passionate arguments for their causes. Is it ethical to help someone take his or her own life, or must its sanctity be preserved at all costs? At the same time, is it proper to deny someone the right to bring their existence to an end if they so choose, especially if they are in extreme pain or if they feel that their continuation is anguishing or pointless?

2023-07-12T11:30:40-05:00May 30th, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘Costa Brava’ compares engagement vs. escape

Staying engaged with the pulse of life is arguably the best way to get the most out of our existence. However, there are times when the pressures of everyday living can wear on us, making us feel as though we have to get away, especially if we believe that it’s placing our health, sanity and well-being in jeopardy. Retreating from such conditions can be rejuvenating and put us on a happier and more fulfilling path. But such isolation also has the potential to become a trap

2022-10-21T05:03:40-05:00September 12th, 2022|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|
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