Welcome to My New Blog!
It’s with great pleasure that I launch this new blog in connection with the launch of my new web site, www.BrentMarchant.com. I welcome your feedback and suggestions on what you like, what you dislike and how this blog can be improved to better suit your needs. And I truly hope you enjoy what I have to say!
So what will you find here? I’ll present a variety of posts, including news flashes on what I’m up to (most of which you’ll be able to find on the new web site as well), along with entries exploring my insights into the worlds of movies and conscious creation, especially where the two overlap. Look for thought pieces, reviews and other offerings related to the foregoing. And, along the way, I hope to make you laugh, touch your heart, and provide you with enlightening and entertaining food for thought.
Please note that these blogs won’t be replacing my contributions to the other web sites I write for, VividLife (www.VividLife.me), to which I submit reviews of current films from a conscious creation perspective, and FengSHe (www.FengSHe.org), for which I write essays on using conscious creation to promote balance in one’s life. My original blog, available at www.getthepicturebrentmarchant.blogspot.com, will still be accessible for viewing, too, though I will no longer be posting new entries to that page. Links to all of the foregoing, as well as to other sites of interest, are available on the list of recommended sites on this page.
If you’d like to offer your feedback on the entries on this page, please post a comment below or email me at info@brentmarchant.com. I look forward to hearing from you. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy what you’re reading. And, as always, happy viewing!