In the Top 100!

I’m pleased to announce that this web site’s Blog Page has been named a Top 100 Movie Blog by, a blog aggregation site designed to connect web users with an array of different sites categorized by topic. I’m honored to join the ranks of this fine collection of movie-related web sites, and I promise to do my level-best to live up to this distinction.

By the way, if it seems like my writings have been a bit scarce lately, you’re right. I’ve recently been traveling and tackling a pile of personal and professional matters, so my posts have been a bit more sporadic than I’d like. But, with those issues behind me now, I’m back, and I’m ready to write! As we enter this year’s movie awards season, there are plenty of new releases coming to theaters over the next few months, and I plan to be on top of them. I’ll also offer my insights on the nominees of this year’s awards competitions, including my annual predictions. And, of course, there’ll be announcements about all of my upcoming media appearances, including my regular radio segments and my special broadcasts geared toward awards season topics and discussions of my latest book, Third Real: Conscious Creation Goes Back to the Movies. So stay tuned!

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