‘The Quiet Girl’ explores reversing neglect

Everything in life requires attention. And, the more precious, special or complex something – or someone – is, the more crucial the provision of that kind of regular care and consideration becomes. But, regardless of how much attention is supplied in any of these cases, the one thing that absolutely cannot be tolerated is neglect

2023-04-09T16:37:50-05:00March 23rd, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘To Leslie’ applauds recovery and redemption

Getting back on one’s feet after a hard fall can be unbearably difficult. In addition to the strength and stamina required to stand back up, there are those poised to keep the downtrodden on the ground, their boots firmly and mercilessly planted on those making the valiant effort to lift themselves up. But recovery and redemption are possible

2023-03-13T22:54:57-05:00February 1st, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

‘Swan Song’ spotlights the power of choice

All too often, we’re faced with difficult situations that pose us with perplexing choices. Evaluating the options can be dizzying, leaving us feeling as though we can’t decide. Because of this, we may often default to what appears to be the most expedient choice, a move that frequently gives us an easy out – “I didn’t have any choice in the matter” – in case things don’t unfold as planned. In the alternative, we may remain indecisive, leaving us with no viable solution to the issue at hand. But those fallbacks are innately insufficient,

2022-01-25T14:21:44-05:00January 2nd, 2022|Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews, Sci-Fi|
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