‘Late Bloomers’ maintains it’s never too late to grow up

In an age where personal accountability has become increasingly hard to come by, it’s comforting to know that it’s never too late to grow up. Granted, willingly assuming responsibility for our actions and attitudes may not always be easy, pleasant or fun, but it’s something we all must ultimately do, no matter how much we may not want to.

‘Golden Years’ shows how to put the luster in retirement

Retirement is supposed to be one of those times of life that we eagerly look forward to. Having the free time to do what we want, when we want, is thought to be liberating and thoroughly enjoyable. But, for some, the transition from full-time working life to full-time leisurely living can be challenging, especially in the relationships of long-partnered couples.

‘Thelma’ advises ‘Don’t mess with seniors!’

According to playwright David Mamet, “Age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance.” The kind of wisdom that comes from experience can be tapped and put to use in many ways, particularly when others try to pull the wool over the eyes of those who’ve been around for a while and have had ample opportunity to stockpile such seasoned and shrewd sagacity.

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