Relationship Fulfillment on Bring Me 2 Life
Select movie reviews from my web site are now available on the Articles & News page of
Select movie reviews from my web site are now available on the Articles & News page of
Anyone who missed the July movie review edition of the Frankiesense & More video podcast can now catch the recorded version on The Good Media Network Facebook page on Facebook or YouTube.
Join yours truly and show host Frankie Picasso for looks at seven new films and a few other surprises on the upcoming movie review edition of the Frankiesense & More video podcast, to begin airing Thursday July 18 at 1 pm ET.
Reviews of "Tuesday," "Thelma" and "Robot Dreams," as well as a museum movie exhibit, are all in the latest Movies with Meaning post on the web site of The Good Media Network.
In an age where the lines of what makes for a successful relationship have become increasingly blurred (and simultaneously more liberating), we’re seeing all manner of partnership combinations emerge that are just as valid as conventional models, no matter how different they may appear. And thank goodness for that, as anyone in an alternative partnership can joyously attest. However, despite this newfound freedom, these relationships can experience their share of challenges just like any other pairings.
Reviews of "Our Father, the Devil," "Concerned Citizen" and "On the Bridge" are all in the latest Movies with Meaning post on the web site of The Good Media Network.
What happens after we die? Indeed, as we transition from this world to whatever comes next, what can we truly expect? That’s arguably the most profound – and most mysterious – question that we ask ourselves during our lifetimes. And the only definitive way to know for sure is to actually go through the experience. Nevertheless, that’s not to stop us from speculating about what could occur.
The 31st annual edition of the Whitaker St. Louis International Film Festival is now in the books, having featured an array of narrative, documentary and short films in theaters and online. Like the recently completed Chicago International Film Festival, the overall programming was a little less satisfying compared to past years, especially in its severe reduction of virtual offerings.