‘Robot Dreams’ follows the quest for relationship fulfillment

In an age where the lines of what makes for a successful relationship have become increasingly blurred (and simultaneously more liberating), we’re seeing all manner of partnership combinations emerge that are just as valid as conventional models, no matter how different they may appear. And thank goodness for that, as anyone in an alternative partnership can joyously attest. However, despite this newfound freedom, these relationships can experience their share of challenges just like any other pairings.

‘Tuesday’ examines making friends with death

Death. It’s a subject that many of us don’t want to deal with, let alone feel comfortable talking about. It can be especially difficult when it involves someone we care deeply about, particularly in a scenario like a parent having to prepare for the loss of a child. Yet death is the one fate we all ultimately share, so it’s not something we can conveniently try to avoid. Given that, then, this is an eventuality that we must all find a way to accept.

‘The Hypnosis’ skillfully dissects changes in beliefs, behavior

Sometimes we can all use a little help in changing our behavior when we’re unable to do so on our own. There are many different approaches we can use for this, too, depending on our personal preferences. One of the most commonly employed practices is hypnosis, which has been successfully used for such things as losing weight and quitting smoking. But, in some cases, it can work so well that we may unintentionally end up overcompensating, prompting a whole new crop of issues to contend with.

2024-07-14T19:20:39+00:00June 15th, 2024|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘All Happy Families’ seeks a cure for dysfunction

An old saying maintains that we can pick our friends but not our family. But is that really so? It might seem that way at times, especially in situations where we struggle mightily to get along with them and put up with their annoyances and quirks. However, one could also contend that the individuals we incarnate with are present in our lives to help us learn valuable lessons in areas like cooperation and forgiveness.

2024-06-29T14:31:48+00:00June 5th, 2024|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

Life’s letdowns probed in ‘Shortcomings’

When life doesn’t quite turn out as planned, it’s easy to become frustrated, cynical and embittered, falling into a trap of unrelenting wallowing and victimhood from which it’s difficult to escape. It’s disappointing, to be sure, when circumstances don’t pan out as hoped for. But what will staying in such a rut accomplish?

2024-06-20T20:02:24+00:00June 2nd, 2024|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews, Romance|
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