‘Upon Entry’ tests our resolve to live up to our contentions

Questions related to immigration have been asked with increasing frequency in recent years. This has been particularly true where illegal entry has been concerned, providing considerable fodder for widespread public debate. But what of legal immigration – is that a benign subject, one worthy of little attention or recognition? Indeed, if would-be immigrants are doing everything by the book, there shouldn’t be any concerns, right?

2024-03-18T00:37:37-05:00February 18th, 2024|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘Brighton 4th’ celebrates love, compassion, selflessness

How far can one’s sense of compassion and helpfulness extend? In an age of rampant self-absorption, that’s a good question. So many individuals today are preoccupied with their own needs, wants and whims that they may be wholly dismissive of such commendable qualities. At the same time, though, there are also remarkably sympathetic souls who will readily go to the wall for others, gestures that those who are less considerate may look upon as strange or even unfathomable.

‘A Hero’ explores living life with integrity

To truly leave a mark on one’s life, it pays to do so with a genuine sense of integrity, one that accurately reflects one’s authentic self. Such is the essence of heroism, the stuff of which legends big and small are made. But, regardless of the magnitude behind these tales, they all have one thing in common – they’re stories rooted in truthfulness,

2022-03-10T11:24:17-05:00February 3rd, 2022|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|
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