‘Our Father, the Devil’ asks, ‘When is it too late to do the right thing?’

It’s truly astounding how mankind is capable of both tremendous greatness and despicable savagery. How can one species lay claim to both? What’s more, how can both traits be found within a single individual? Yet, in a surprisingly large number of instances, that ends up being the case.

‘Rock Hudson’ explores life in two worlds

Living one’s life in two disparate worlds can be quite a challenge, perhaps even perpetually confusing to some making the attempt. Having one foot firmly planted in one existence and the other ensconced in another means always having to be “on” and aware of which reality one is in at any given time. That can be particularly demanding if the differences between them are significant, especially if one of them involves harboring and maintaining a potentially volatile secret. But, with practice and a dedicated commitment to keeping up appearances, it’s entirely possible to pull off such a feat.

2023-09-09T02:49:08-05:00July 19th, 2023|Conscious Creation, Documentary, LGBTQ+, Movie Reviews|

‘McEnroe’ surveys the perils of perfectionism

When we think about sports, we usually tend to consider the game in question and the competition involved. Yet rarely do we think about the participants engaged in such contests – the individuals who are taking part and what drives them to compete. Considering the dynamics of these scenarios, there are often powerful motivations at work, mindsets reflective of the drives, aims and goals of the competitors

2022-10-24T00:23:13-05:00September 20th, 2022|Conscious Creation, Documentary, Movie Reviews|

‘Elvis’ chronicles the rise and fall of an innovator

Every so often, innovators come along in various fields of endeavor who shake things up and create something unique and inventive, revolutionary conceptions that set their particular milieus of expression on their ear. These creations set new standards for others to emulate or adapt, sometimes even birthing entirely distinct genres different from others that preceded them.

2022-07-26T06:52:47-05:00July 5th, 2022|Biography, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|
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