‘The Hypnosis’ skillfully dissects changes in beliefs, behavior

Sometimes we can all use a little help in changing our behavior when we’re unable to do so on our own. There are many different approaches we can use for this, too, depending on our personal preferences. One of the most commonly employed practices is hypnosis, which has been successfully used for such things as losing weight and quitting smoking. But, in some cases, it can work so well that we may unintentionally end up overcompensating, prompting a whole new crop of issues to contend with.

2024-07-14T19:20:39-05:00June 15th, 2024|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘Dream Scenario’ wrestles with social fanaticism

Remember when times were simpler, when you didn’t need to worry about expressing yourself without first having to weigh the long-term ramifications for yourself and the seven generations of progeny that followed? What’s more, recall what it was like to be able to have an opinion without running the risk of oppressive social ostracism from the overly zealous political correctness police force imposing its herd mentality on everyone everywhere? Somewhere along the way we lost our bearings – and ourselves.

2024-01-27T23:47:43-05:00December 10th, 2023|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews, Sci-Fi|
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