‘The Wild Robot’ explores exceeding our capabilities

There are times in our lives when nearly all of us exceed the limits of our capabilities (and often quite unexpectedly at that). But that can be a tremendous blessing, especially when we’re confronted by circumstances where such enhanced aptitudes are called for. When this happens, we might well surprise ourselves and those who know us, but such amazing revelations can produce miraculous results that benefit many in need.

2025-01-29T09:55:22-05:00November 25th, 2024|Animation, Conscious Creation, Movie Reviews|

‘Your Fat Friend’ seeks to rectify an unfair oversight

Imagine being systematically discriminated against and unduly ridiculed without those inflicting such hurtful and unfair acts suffering any consequences. Those in various minority communities can no doubt relate to such treatment, having been subjected to it for long periods before legal protections were put into place (and, in some cases, even after those safeguards were implemented). However, there’s one constituency that’s effectively gone without protection – and, in many respects, still continues to do so. That kind of vulnerability should make everyone squirm, whether or not they’re directly impacted by such blindly sanctioned abuse.

2024-06-15T02:40:39-05:00May 29th, 2024|Conscious Creation, Documentary, Movie Reviews|

‘Cabrini’ extols the virtues of faith, inspiration, accomplishment

Stories about those who give their all for others are truly inspiring. They set examples worthy of emulation and can help to motivate us to do more, including under circumstances where we may have thought that there was little we could do to help. Undertaking these measures can indeed be daunting – perhaps even overwhelming – but, when we see a need and are sufficiently motivated, there’s no telling what we can accomplish.

2024-05-29T00:01:43-05:00May 3rd, 2024|Biography, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|
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