
‘Story Ave’ seeks to stave off tragedy for at-risk youth

For many at-risk youth, there comes a turning point where they can head off in one direction or another, each with vastly different long-term outcomes. The results couldn’t be more opposed to one another as far as what ultimately transpires, either a promising future or a destiny full of tragedy and heartache. Steering those individuals in the right direction can be exasperating, too, especially when they can’t envision the consequences of their actions.

2024-06-23T21:48:57+00:00June 4th, 2024|Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

‘Monica’ examines acceptance, forgiveness, choice

When it comes to the notions of acceptance and forgiveness, it’s always important to remember that they’re beliefs that come with another inherent quality – the power of choice. Indeed, in both cases, we’re free to choose to either embrace or ignore these virtues, regardless of what others may think of us or how the perspectives we adopt might make us look. At the same time, though, we must also consider the consequences that come with either of these choices.

2023-08-09T09:04:34+00:00July 3rd, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, LGBTQ+, Movie Reviews|

‘The Swimmers’ illustrates how to beat the odds

When the odds are stacked against us, it may be easy to turn our backs to the challenges confronting us. Such scenarios could readily be viewed as simply too daunting, not worth the expenditure of time, energy and commitment needed to overcome them. However, in considering the potential rewards available, it’s possible to have a change of heart

2023-03-23T13:21:03+00:00February 15th, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

‘Fire in The Mountains’ ignites a feminist manifesto

To paraphrase Bruce Springsteen, it takes a spark to light a fire. But sometimes such blazes don’t take on the first strike. There’s not enough energy behind it to catch flame. In fact, it may take multiple sparks before a conflagration erupts, a concept that’s applicable both literally and metaphorically. But, when things finally come alive, watch out...

2022-08-28T17:31:02+00:00July 26th, 2022|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘One Child Nation’ exposes the consequences of ignorance

“One Child Nation” (2019). Cast: Nanfu Wang, Brian Stuy, Longlan Stuy, Tunde Wang, Peng Wang, Huaru Tuan, Zhihao Wang, Shuqin Jiang, Zaodi Wang, Zhimei Wang, Jiaoming Pang. Directors: Nanfu Wang and Zhang Lynn. Web site. Trailer. It’s all too easy to become so focused on what we want that we may fail to think things through. What’s more, the ante for this can get significantly upped when we examine the ramifications for taking no action. Now imagine what can happen when such a scenario unfolds on a national scale. Under such circumstances, there may be a tendency to act rashly, something that can have dire consequences, a situation detailed in the compelling new documentary, “One Child Nation.” Chinese-born filmmaker Nanfu [...]

2019-10-12T00:01:29+00:00September 2nd, 2019|Conscious Creation, Documentary, Movie Reviews|
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