‘Blue Jean’ challenges exclusion, homophobia

Willingly excluding certain segments of society makes absolutely no sense. By denying productive, creative individuals from the ability to participate in the development of our world, we run the risk of cutting ourselves off from innovations that make our life more fulfilling, enjoyable and equitable. Unfortunately, there are close-minded forces out there that would seek to restrict some of us from the liberties and freedoms that help to make society thrive in healthy and satisfying ways. And those who are left on the outside looking in must decide whether they want to surrender and conform or to rebel and challenge such limiting ways of thinking.

2023-10-10T08:20:13+00:00August 20th, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, LGBTQ+, Movie Reviews, Romance|

‘Afire’ explores what can occur when clearing the slate

Getting away from it all is often an effective way to regroup, recharge and put one’s life back on track, especially when it comes to sorting out complicated issues and stalled creative endeavors. At the same time, though, things can sometimes go sideways in these experiences; unforeseen developments may intrude on hoped-for expectations, thrusting circumstances into unexpected territory and uncontrolled chaos. Nevertheless, such disruptions can also yield surprising outcomes, opening new doors

2023-10-09T10:28:43+00:00August 9th, 2023|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘Godland’ chronicles a spiritually evolutionary journey

Contrary to popular belief, experiencing the breadth and power of the divine is not something necessarily limited to civil, sedate, well-mannered, rigidly choreographed rituals conducted in ornate indoor settings by individuals decked out in costumes not unlike what one would find in a Las Vegas floor show. Rather, in its purest state, it’s more of a wild, untamed force that unleashes its raw, unrestrained energy in potent, unexpected ways that often leave witnesses awestruck as to its sheer magnitude and expression, particularly in natural surroundings. It’s not exactly what most of us were taught in Sunday school or what we heard in sermons from the pulpit.

2023-09-10T20:24:11+00:00August 2nd, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

New Movies for June on Frankiesense & More

Join yours truly and show host Frankie Picasso for looks at four new films on this month’s movie review edition of the Frankiesense & More video podcast! The show, to begin airing Thursday June 29 at 1 pm ET, will examine two new compelling documentaries, a Pride month offering and more. Tune in on Facebook or YouTube for all the fun and lively discussion!

‘El Houb’ fights for recognition and acceptance

Imagine being forced to live your life completely on others’ terms, never doing what you want, no matter how strong your desire. Sounds pretty dismal, right? Yet, for those in certain communities, that kind of coercion can be an everyday circumstance. The isolation can be positively crushing, removed from what suits you and being forced to pursue your dreams in secret, if at all, for fear of the repercussions. And, in the meantime, you’re likely to find yourself behaving in uncomfortable, unnatural ways, tantamount to living a lie.

2023-08-02T00:26:14+00:00June 21st, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, LGBTQ+, Movie Reviews|

‘Everything Went Fine’ pits love against death

Questions related to assisted suicide and the right to die have been debated hotly for decades, and proponents on each side of these issues have made passionate arguments for their causes. Is it ethical to help someone take his or her own life, or must its sanctity be preserved at all costs? At the same time, is it proper to deny someone the right to bring their existence to an end if they so choose, especially if they are in extreme pain or if they feel that their continuation is anguishing or pointless?

2023-07-12T11:30:40+00:00May 30th, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|
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