‘Queen of Glory’ explores the challenges of transition

Life’s rough patches can be agonizing, frustrating and difficult, challenges that seemingly take us far afield from where we want to be. We often can’t help but wonder what’s behind such detours, especially when they appear to blatantly run counter to our hopes, wishes and dreams. What good purpose could they possibly serve?

2022-09-27T11:06:33+00:00August 28th, 2022|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ shows us how to become our own gods

Oftentimes in life we’re presented with turning points that put us in a position of having to make some crucial decisions, including those involving hard choices. They represent significant developments that will likely affect us for a long time to come in myriad profound ways. Yet the power of choice in these matters rests with us, essentially making us the masters of our destinies.

‘Nûde Tuęsdäy’ spotlights the importance of communication

It’s been said that talk is cheap. And, unfortunately, when it’s treated as such, its value is often weakened and, consequently, undermined. That can prove problematic, even fatal, in significant applications, such as self-expression and the conveyance of important or meaningful information. The implications of this can carry tremendous impact, especially when it comes to things like relationships,

2022-08-08T06:29:06+00:00July 15th, 2022|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Foreign, Movie Reviews, Romance|

‘Official Competition’ wrangles with rivalry, self-deception

To thine own self be true. It’s solid, sage advice we’d all be wise to heed, especially if we lose sight of it and fall prey to the perils of self-deception, something that can get us into trouble with both ourselves and others. Yet it’s astounding how often we ignore this wisdom and stray off into dangerous territory, full of pitfalls with serious consequences.

2022-08-01T11:32:46+00:00July 10th, 2022|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Foreign, Movie Reviews|
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