‘A Real Pain’ chronicles the search for self

The search for self is a process that many of us believe we complete when we come of age. However, as we often later discover, it’s something we need to revisit as the circumstances of our lives evolve. In fact, we might find that this is an ongoing, life-long process that requires continual vigilance and assessment. That can be confusing, if not disconcerting, particularly if we assume we’ve arrived at all the answers we need at an earlier stage of life.

2024-12-14T17:27:52-05:00December 12th, 2024|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Featured Post, Movie Reviews|

‘Origin’ questions the validity of entrenched beliefs

Adjusting to new outlooks that override established beliefs can be difficult for some of us. We’ve become so entrenched in certain ways of thinking that it’s hard to embrace new ones. We may not understand the revised concepts, either because they’re too radical or esoteric for us to grasp or because they’re not explained in easily comprehensible ways, perhaps too vague or too overly intellectualized. Or we may simply be unwilling to adopt such new thoughts because they make us feel uncomfortable. But, then, there are also those who take to them readily, either out of curiosity or an undeniably instinctual awareness.

2024-05-17T00:08:02-05:00April 12th, 2024|Biography, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|
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