‘The Old Oak’ searches for common ground

Getting along with others sometimes isn’t easy, even under the best of circumstances. Differences – of almost any kind – can become obstacles that impede communications and understanding, potentially making relations between individuals and groups problematic or even impossible. But conditions need not remain that way if we make an effort to get past them, an undertaking that generally calls for finding common ground and seeking solidarity.

2024-07-07T01:29:11+00:00June 12th, 2024|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘All the Colours’ applauds the courage to be oneself

Discrimination is truly an ugly concept, no matter what basis is used to try and justify it. Those who become the targets of such inexcusable prejudice are left to endure the irrational ridicule inflicted upon them, treatment that often drives them into hiding, afraid to step forward and be themselves. Considerable courage is generally required to overcome those conditions, but even vast reserves of that attribute may not be enough when it means taking on institutionalized versions of such loathsome negative behavior. Nonetheless, those who are able to muster up the bravery to tackle such undertakings should be commended.

‘The Miracle Club’ explores the power of pilgrimage 

When answers are elusive, we often become frustrated that we can’t find them. That can be especially aggravating when the sought-after solutions are meant to address particularly difficult questions. We’re thus left wondering what to do. However, at times like these, we often resort to embarking on physical or spiritual journeys to tangible or metaphorical destinations that are believed to possess special qualities that serve as sources of inspiration and enlightenment.

2024-06-12T11:29:51+00:00May 27th, 2024|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘Eternal Memory’ seeks to preserve as much as possible for as long as possible

It’s been said that one of the most cherished hopes for a loving relationship is that its partners inevitably have someone with whom they can grow old together, a time when they can warmly look back on their time as a couple with fondness and treasured memories. Invariably, it’s an earnest, heartfelt exercise in diligently seeking to preserve as much as possible for as long as possible. But what happens when something occurs that threatens the viability of such a meaningful personal endeavor?

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