‘Thelma’ advises ‘Don’t mess with seniors!’

According to playwright David Mamet, “Age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance.” The kind of wisdom that comes from experience can be tapped and put to use in many ways, particularly when others try to pull the wool over the eyes of those who’ve been around for a while and have had ample opportunity to stockpile such seasoned and shrewd sagacity.

‘Being Mary Tyler Moore’ surveys an icon’s life and work

I find it curious how often many of us think of the everyday lives of well-known actors and actresses as being virtually identical to the parts they play in movies and on television. These performers are so convincing in their roles that countless viewers tend to believe their on-screen and off-screen personas are virtually indistinguishable. However, when we examine the credibility of that idea, many of us can’t help but come to the conclusion that this notion is patently ludicrous.

2023-07-27T08:57:09-05:00June 18th, 2023|Conscious Creation, Documentary, Movie Reviews|
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