‘A Real Pain’ chronicles the search for self

The search for self is a process that many of us believe we complete when we come of age. However, as we often later discover, it’s something we need to revisit as the circumstances of our lives evolve. In fact, we might find that this is an ongoing, life-long process that requires continual vigilance and assessment. That can be confusing, if not disconcerting, particularly if we assume we’ve arrived at all the answers we need at an earlier stage of life.

2024-12-14T17:27:52-05:00December 12th, 2024|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Featured Post, Movie Reviews|

‘Story Ave’ seeks to stave off tragedy for at-risk youth

For many at-risk youth, there comes a turning point where they can head off in one direction or another, each with vastly different long-term outcomes. The results couldn’t be more opposed to one another as far as what ultimately transpires, either a promising future or a destiny full of tragedy and heartache. Steering those individuals in the right direction can be exasperating, too, especially when they can’t envision the consequences of their actions.

2024-06-23T21:48:57-05:00June 4th, 2024|Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

‘Beyond Utopia’ charts the quest for freedom of thought

Imagine living in a country where citizens are effectively not allowed to think for themselves, where their beliefs are determined for them. And the dogma used to drill those thoughts into their minds is so formidable and so pervasive that most residents readily capitulate, even reaching a point where they gladly and willingly comply with the dictates planted in their consciousness. They accept conditions for what they are and even celebrate them, readily buying into the notion that they’re living in some kind of paradise, deplorable circumstances to the contrary notwithstanding. However, when individuals are coerced into a situation where it’s impossible to know – or even believe – any differently, it’s not surprising that they comply.

2024-05-03T10:09:30-05:00March 24th, 2024|Conscious Creation, Documentary, Movie Reviews|

‘All of Us Strangers’ celebrates the enigmatic power of love

Love is truly an enigmatic force. When it’s present in our lives, it can move us to indescribable degrees of joy, bliss and fulfillment. But, when it’s absent – particularly when it’s suddenly snatched away from us – it can leave us in the depths of despair, a sense of despondency from which we may often feel we’ll never escape. However, just when all seems lost, it can have a way of sneaking back into our lives.

2024-02-13T21:40:28-05:00January 27th, 2024|Conscious Creation, Drama, LGBTQ+, Movie Reviews, Romance|

‘Monster’ seeks to arrive at the whole truth

Is it possible to know the real truth behind a particular situation? It’s often been said that, as outside onlookers, we only see a fraction of what’s involved in the unfolding of a specific scenario. And, because of that, we might well piece together an incomplete view of things, based primarily on what we believe about them, given that they shape our perspective and, subsequently, the materialized existence that emerges.

2024-01-30T11:24:33-05:00December 28th, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, LGBTQ+, Movie Reviews|

How to walk one’s talk ‘Somewhere in Queens’

It’s one thing to talk a good game, but it’s something else entirely to back it up with authentic action. Indeed, it’s a definitive example of being able to walk one’s talk, a practice that can be difficult to carry out, especially if preceded by exaggeration, deception or flat-out fabricated bragging. But, for those who are able to live up to their words, tremendous heartfelt satisfaction often results.

2023-08-24T10:21:22-05:00July 12th, 2023|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Movie Reviews|

‘The Moon & Back’ wrestles with grief, creativity, adolescence

Where do we turn when the bottom falls out? That’s difficult enough at any age, but what is one to do when going through an impressionable time of life, such as adolescence? The coming of age considerations that teens face are often burdensome enough in themselves. However, when they’re compounded by a significant loss, starting over may seem impossible.

2023-05-30T18:03:30-05:00April 27th, 2023|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

‘Bardo’ takes a long, introspective look at life

How often do we seriously take the time to contemplate life’s bigger questions? We either preoccupy ourselves with everyday matters that unwittingly prompt us to put these issues on the back burner, or we may view these subjects as too daunting or scary, pushing them into the dark recesses of our consciousness for later handling (opportunities for which almost never surface). But how prepared do these approaches leave us for the time when we really will have to address them?

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