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‘The Swimmers’ illustrates how to beat the odds

When the odds are stacked against us, it may be easy to turn our backs to the challenges confronting us. Such scenarios could readily be viewed as simply too daunting, not worth the expenditure of time, energy and commitment needed to overcome them. However, in considering the potential rewards available, it’s possible to have a change of heart

2023-03-23T13:21:03+00:00February 15th, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

‘To Leslie’ applauds recovery and redemption

Getting back on one’s feet after a hard fall can be unbearably difficult. In addition to the strength and stamina required to stand back up, there are those poised to keep the downtrodden on the ground, their boots firmly and mercilessly planted on those making the valiant effort to lift themselves up. But recovery and redemption are possible

2023-03-13T22:54:57+00:00February 1st, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

‘Broker’ asks, ‘What makes a family?’

When we think of the concept of “family,” we most often consider it as something made up of those with whom we’re developed our closest bonds. This has traditionally been built on a basis of biology, but, over time, we’ve seen that change. And, in some cases, it’s become something that may arise as a result of unexpected circumstances, sometimes exceedingly unfathomable ones.

2023-02-15T10:42:11+00:00January 22nd, 2023|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘Living’ breaks the chains of limitation

Willingly taking ourselves out of our comfort zones is something that may make many of us squirm in discomfort. As creatures of habit, we like our lives filled with familiarity and predictability. So, when we find ourselves faced with having to make adjustments in light of our conditions, we might rail against those circumstances, especially if we feel the pressure of time constraints squeezing us into unexpected (and not necessarily welcome) alterations.

2023-02-12T21:05:28+00:00January 15th, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

‘The Whale’ offers lessons in radical compassion

Compassion is something we could all use more of these days. That’s especially true for those who are trying to resolve difficult personal challenges. They need backing when it comes to helping them sort out the issues they face. But how do we offer support, particularly when we see others engaging in what we believe to be self-destructive behavior?

‘Leonor Will Never Die’ explores reclaiming one’s power

When we feel like we’ve lost something, we often wonder if we’ll ever get it back. Those who innately see the glass as half full generally have the requisite optimism needed to reclaim it. But those whose worldview is less enthusiastic frequently treat their loss as permanent and irretrievable. But need things be that way?

2023-01-29T03:01:03+00:00December 22nd, 2022|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Foreign, Movie Reviews|
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