
‘Late Bloomers’ maintains it’s never too late to grow up

In an age where personal accountability has become increasingly hard to come by, it’s comforting to know that it’s never too late to grow up. Granted, willingly assuming responsibility for our actions and attitudes may not always be easy, pleasant or fun, but it’s something we all must ultimately do, no matter how much we may not want to.

‘Robot Dreams’ follows the quest for relationship fulfillment

In an age where the lines of what makes for a successful relationship have become increasingly blurred (and simultaneously more liberating), we’re seeing all manner of partnership combinations emerge that are just as valid as conventional models, no matter how different they may appear. And thank goodness for that, as anyone in an alternative partnership can joyously attest. However, despite this newfound freedom, these relationships can experience their share of challenges just like any other pairings.

‘All the Colours’ applauds the courage to be oneself

Discrimination is truly an ugly concept, no matter what basis is used to try and justify it. Those who become the targets of such inexcusable prejudice are left to endure the irrational ridicule inflicted upon them, treatment that often drives them into hiding, afraid to step forward and be themselves. Considerable courage is generally required to overcome those conditions, but even vast reserves of that attribute may not be enough when it means taking on institutionalized versions of such loathsome negative behavior. Nonetheless, those who are able to muster up the bravery to tackle such undertakings should be commended.

Life’s letdowns probed in ‘Shortcomings’

When life doesn’t quite turn out as planned, it’s easy to become frustrated, cynical and embittered, falling into a trap of unrelenting wallowing and victimhood from which it’s difficult to escape. It’s disappointing, to be sure, when circumstances don’t pan out as hoped for. But what will staying in such a rut accomplish?

2024-06-20T20:02:24+00:00June 2nd, 2024|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews, Romance|

‘El Conde’ metaphorically skewers a dictator’s life

In the wake of the recent 50th anniversary of the 1973 Chilean coup d’etat that resulted in the overthrow of democratically elected President Salvador Allende, an effort led by the country’s military and backed by the US government, a number of film projects (both documentary and narrative features) have been released looking back on this event. These projects have taken a variety of forms, and one of the most unusual (and creative) among them has been a production that takes a metaphorical and wickedly satirical look at the life of Allende’s successor, dictator Augusto Pinochet (1915-2006), portraying him in a surreal but fitting milieu, as seen in the hilarious but insightful allegorical biography, “El Conde” (“The Count”).

‘Nyad’ calls for blending determination and flexibility

It’s been said that it’s never too late to pursue one’s dream. But how many of us who are getting on in years actually make the effort to accomplish that? As time passes by, we may begin to feel like life is passing us by, too, sweeping away the opportunities to fulfill those aspirations and leading to relentless disappointment, frustration and depression. However, must it be that way?

2023-12-31T23:23:17+00:00November 23rd, 2023|Biography, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

‘You Hurt My Feelings’ weighs the value of honesty

Most of us would probably agree with the time-honored adage that “Honesty is the best policy.” But is that really true? Certainly we appreciate its value when it comes to sharing the truth about the circumstances that touch our lives and in expressing the feelings we hold for one another, particularly loved ones. However, is honesty truly worth everything it’s said to be when unadulterated candor cuts like a knife?

2023-07-19T22:29:15+00:00June 4th, 2023|Comedy, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

‘The Quiet Girl’ explores reversing neglect

Everything in life requires attention. And, the more precious, special or complex something – or someone – is, the more crucial the provision of that kind of regular care and consideration becomes. But, regardless of how much attention is supplied in any of these cases, the one thing that absolutely cannot be tolerated is neglect

2023-04-09T16:37:50+00:00March 23rd, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|
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