
‘Godland’ chronicles a spiritually evolutionary journey

Contrary to popular belief, experiencing the breadth and power of the divine is not something necessarily limited to civil, sedate, well-mannered, rigidly choreographed rituals conducted in ornate indoor settings by individuals decked out in costumes not unlike what one would find in a Las Vegas floor show. Rather, in its purest state, it’s more of a wild, untamed force that unleashes its raw, unrestrained energy in potent, unexpected ways that often leave witnesses awestruck as to its sheer magnitude and expression, particularly in natural surroundings. It’s not exactly what most of us were taught in Sunday school or what we heard in sermons from the pulpit.

2023-09-10T20:24:11+00:00August 2nd, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘The Blue Caftan’ celebrates love in all its colors

Love is such a precious gift, one that often seems elusive to those looking for it. But it’s out there if we know where to search for it, and that usually begins inside each of us. Unfortunately, when we find it, we frequently don’t recognize it for what it is or we unduly place obstacles in our own way that keep us from embracing it.

2023-04-25T00:28:08+00:00March 27th, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, LGBTQ+, Movie Reviews, Romance|
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