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‘The Old Oak’ searches for common ground

Getting along with others sometimes isn’t easy, even under the best of circumstances. Differences – of almost any kind – can become obstacles that impede communications and understanding, potentially making relations between individuals and groups problematic or even impossible. But conditions need not remain that way if we make an effort to get past them, an undertaking that generally calls for finding common ground and seeking solidarity.

2024-07-07T01:29:11+00:00June 12th, 2024|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|

‘Cabrini’ extols the virtues of faith, inspiration, accomplishment

Stories about those who give their all for others are truly inspiring. They set examples worthy of emulation and can help to motivate us to do more, including under circumstances where we may have thought that there was little we could do to help. Undertaking these measures can indeed be daunting – perhaps even overwhelming – but, when we see a need and are sufficiently motivated, there’s no telling what we can accomplish.

2024-05-29T00:01:43+00:00May 3rd, 2024|Biography, Conscious Creation, Drama, Movie Reviews|

‘The Quiet Girl’ explores reversing neglect

Everything in life requires attention. And, the more precious, special or complex something – or someone – is, the more crucial the provision of that kind of regular care and consideration becomes. But, regardless of how much attention is supplied in any of these cases, the one thing that absolutely cannot be tolerated is neglect

2023-04-09T16:37:50+00:00March 23rd, 2023|Conscious Creation, Drama, Foreign, Movie Reviews|
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